How to build your strategic and sustainable network of professional connections
What I share
You've probably heard the saying "Your network is your net worth" by author Tim Sanders. Just like any other investment, investment in our social capital takes time, focus and targeted effort. But the result is rewarding. This is proved by many successful professionals. Yet, many tend to overlook this important life skill, often citing excuses such as "I'm an introvert", "I don't have time for this", "I feel anxious talking to strangers" or "I don't feel like I belong here." Some simply perceive networking as merely handing out business cards and delivering sales pitches at conferences. Combining my experience with the most interesting international research and stories, I help other professionals to bust this misconception. Together, we explore: - how to build their own sustainable network of connections; - how to effectively network and strengthen relationships with stakeholders; - how to leverage their network to help achieve their objectives; - how to give back and generate value for their connections. The answers to these questions and personal strategies depends on things such as personality, profession and stage in life. However, the key principles of sustainable long-term networking remain the same. As does the fact that establishing robust networks and cultivating positive relationships with our stakeholders not only accelerates our progress but also exposes us to opportunities. Not only in our professional life. The British say "We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with". Therefore, consciously surrounding ourselves with inspiring, motivating people is also one of the most important ingredients to our personal success and wellness. So let's talk about Networking!
About me
My intentional decisions to immerse myself in diverse environments, events, organisations and communities among interesting humans have not only gifted me with cherished memories but have also paved the way for nearly all of my professional opportunities. Moreover, my cultivated network has consistently played a pivotal role in achieving numerous career milestones. Due to my passion to connect people, a few years ago I began to receive more and more invitations to share my Networking experience. Therefore, I developed talks and training sessions tailored for professionals, providing participants with a fresh perspective, valuable insights, and inspiration to intentionally expand their authentic network of connections. Today, I am a Networking mentor and speaker and also the Director of the philanthropic Mariaus Jakulis Jason Foundation. This foundation provides financial support and a community to scientists, students and entrepreneurs who want to return to and create in Lithuania. Before contributing to the development of this fund, for almost 6 years I led Global Lithuanian Leaders - a network of international Lithuanian professionals around the world. This is where I realised that I love to connect people, create communities. Before returning to Lithuania, I spent three years in Asia, where I worked in the PR department at the Asia- Europe Foundation in Singapore and in the marketing team at the international Limkokwing University of Creative Technologies, Malaysia.
I shared my knowledge with these teams:
Authors of photos:
Martynas Zaremba, Augustinas Žukovas,
Tomas Razmus, Donata Vengalytė, Jorigis Jasiūnas.
The photos were taken at Global Lithuanian Leaders, LT Big Brother, Laisvės picnic, ISM events.
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